Lampton House


We are open to visitors and new residents. Visitors are welcome at any time but we ask that you phone ahead to book.

Making Lampton House
Your Home

We provide 24-hour residential care for people over the age of 65 years.

Lampton House Residential Care Home is an attractive 18th Century former vicarage half a mile from Long Ashton village and only two miles from Bristol City Centre. We provide for the elderly and the Care Quality Commission has given us s ‘Good’ rating (inspection report dated 13.8.19). We do not provide nursing care.

We provide a safe and secure home for our residents where their wellbeing and comfort are of paramount importance. Our manager, Annie Clough, leads a team of experienced and long-serving carers. Our staff display respect and patience at all times.

The Way We Care

Our manager, Annie Clough, leads a team of experienced carers.

Our staff teams are at full strength and we are open to new residents so please call if you are seeking a room – we can give you a live virtual tour!

We have safe visiting facilities in our homes so we are open to visitors but please phone to book a time to visit.

The Care Quality Commission inspection report rated us – GOOD


Congratulations to our staff who have received this lovely write-up in the local paper following our last CQC inspection
Our residents can have their meals in their room if they wish but we encourage everyone to come to the dining room for lunch, if they can, as this is the main meal of the day. Choice is available at all meals and snacks or drinks are available at any time of the day or night. Our bar, the ‘Manor bar’, opens twice a week for pre-dinner drinks and for special occasions and light alcoholic refreshments are available at all mealtimes. We have a mobile shop which sells toiletries, confectionery, cards and so on.

"Lampton House cared for my mother for 15 years, from when she was unable to look after herself at home due to poor mobility and confusion, though her general ageing and deterioration, and eventually her death. Throughout all these years she was well cared for, always comfortable, well fed and confident in her environment. Staff have always been welcoming to visitors and it is clear they care for all residents with calm compassion whatever there care needs may be. From the wine at Sunday lunch, the splendid Christmas dinner and homemade birthday cakes with singing every year they provide a very homely welcoming place."

AW (daughter) 03/08/21

Short Stays

Respite Care
We offer short stay and respite care. Respite care can allow someone to recuperate after a spell in hospital or give family carers a break. New friendships are made and we often see respite residents more than once!